XLIF - Spinal DISC Center | Kris Radcliff, MD | New Jersey
Dr. Kris Radcliff specializes in simplifying the management of complex spine conditions and traumatic spine injuries, focusing exclusively on spine surgery, with particular expertise in the area of artificial disc replacement. Dr. Radcliff is highly experienced, having performed more than 10,000 spine surgeries. He combines conservative decision-making judgment with state-of-the-art and minimally invasive surgical techniques, endoscopic spine surgery, and artificial disc replacement.
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Dr. Radcliff uses the XLIF (eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion) procedure to treat a number of spinal conditions, including:
- Degenerative Discs, Lumbar Stenosis, and Spondylolisthesis – These conditions may have caused excessive motion between the joints, and spinal fusion restores stability.
- Herniated discs – When these are removed, your spine can destabilize. Fusing the vertebrae can provide stabilization.
By definition, the XLIF procedure is a minimally invasive type of spine surgery, which means that there is a smaller incision made. And a smaller incision means:
- Less muscle disruption
- Less blood loss during surgery
- Reduced operation time
- Reduced post-operative pain
- Reduced hospital stay
- Reduced recovery time
During the minimally invasive XLIF procedure, Dr. Radcliff will access the disc space using a surgical approach from the side (lateral) through an incision just above the hip bone rather than from the front or back. He then places a bone graft spacer or implant between the two vertebrae to restore height and relieve nerve pinching. As your body begins to heal, new bone grows around the graft or implant, fusing the two vertebrae into one solid piece of bone.
As with any surgery, recovery for XLIF will depend on the patient. However, most patients can expect the following:
- Decrease in pain – Many patients will notice an immediate difference in their pre-operative pain level. Some, however, will experience a gradual reduction in pre-operative pain.
- Pain at the incision site – This is normal and should be expected. It can usually be controlled with oral pain medication and should eventually go away.
Total recovery time is relatively short. Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few weeks or months after surgery. You will spend one to three nights in the hospital following surgery, depending on your medical condition and the extent of the surgery.
Are you in pain? Dr. Radcliff is here to help. Click here to make an appointment.