Artificial Intelligence - Spinal DISC Center | Kris Radcliff, MD | New Jersey
Dr. Kris Radcliff specializes in simplifying the management of complex spine conditions and traumatic spine injuries, focusing exclusively on spine surgery, with particular expertise in the area of artificial disc replacement. Dr. Radcliff is highly experienced, having performed more than 10,000 spine surgeries. He combines conservative decision-making judgment with state-of-the-art and minimally invasive surgical techniques, endoscopic spine surgery, and artificial disc replacement.
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Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence

Using technology to make patients’ lives easier

Dr. Radcliff is committed to using advanced technology in whatever form necessary in order to help make patients’ lives easier, streamline the process for them, and help ensure optimal patient outcomes.


For example, because he knows patients are frustrated with most appointment scheduling processes, he has instituted an artificial intelligence-based scheduling solution that makes making an appointment totally painless. Patients simply visit the website, call, or text and they can get an appointment right away. And, no more waiting forever to see the doctor.


Dr. Radcliff also uses data-driven medicine to help improve patient outcomes. Because of his status as an “elite spine surgeon,” Dr. Radcliff is able to collect pre-surgical, interoperative, and post-operative data that gives him a unique perspective that helps him deliver better patient outcomes and results. The data collected is critical in providing the patient with the best experience through surgery and recovery.


In addition, Dr. Radcliff has implemented an advanced artificial intelligence-based notes platform that allows him to pay full attention to his patients, without the distraction of the electronic medical records process.


Dr. Radcliff also uses advanced surgical mapping and planning tools that help him better plan and predict surgeries.